"It's indeed immoral, but who the fuck cares"

The office of the State's attorney has indicted a 39 year old Israeli from Tel Aviv, for hacking the computers, email accounts and cloud storage accounts of Madonna's musical director and several other Madonna crew members. Among other offences, Mr. Adi Lederman was charged with unlawful penetration to computers, unlawful wiretapping, invasion of privacy and copyright infringement - committed with hacking tools and lists of commonly used passwords.

According to a news report (Ynet, in Hebrew), Mr. Lederman told investigators that "it's indeed immoral, but who the fuck cares?". The State also applied to retain Mr. Lederman in custody during trial.
The indictment reveals that Mr. Lederman is also suspected of continued hacking after he was first arrested for interrogation and then released from custody. The State also alleges that Mr. Lederman copied files containing musical recordings, correspondences and photos, for commercial distribution. In some cases, Mr. Lederman allegedly sold the content for more than $1,000 per file, some of which contained unpublished song recordings.

The indictment underscores that the acts Mr. Lederman allegedly committed caused Madonna "significant harm, beyond infringing her distribution right - sale of the content by the defendant infringed her right to publish the works and control the time of publication, including her right to publish her works according to her desires. Consequently, unauthorized publication of a work, before the author decides to do so, may also disparage the author's reputation."

The indictment was filed following an investigation by the cyber unit of the Israeli National Police, in cooperation with the FBI. Source (in Hebrew): Globes (by Hen Maanit).