USA Supreme Court
FedWorld/FLITE Supreme Court Decisions Home Page
A Search and View Full Text of Supreme Court Decisions Issued between 1937 and 1975
FindLaw: Supreme Court Opinions
FindLaw's searchable database of the Supreme Court decisions since 1893 (US Supreme Court Decisions: US Reports 150-, 1893-). Browsable by year and US Reports volume number and searchable by citation, case title and full text.
Citation Search - LII Supreme Court Collection: Current Supreme Court Justices
LII: Supreme Court Collection Home
All judgments from 1990 and on.
Comprehensive database on major constitutional cases heard by the United States Supreme Court, with multimedia resources including digital audio of oral arguments and delivery of the Court's opinion.
Supreme Court of the United States
The official site of the US Supreme Court
The Supreme Court Historical Society
a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of the history of the Supreme Court of the United States.